Saturday, October 20, 2012

Southerners Eat...

I've often been dismayed at my lack of real affiliation with the South. I mean, I kind of consider myself a southerner, (at BYU, I would sometimes claim it, but most of the time that would feel dishonest!) Growing up in Loudoun County, you get caught up more in the young urban professional vibe than the BBQ and grits kind.

But I now have a roommate and classmate from Georgia (with adorable accents) and I've met some great southern gals in my ward. So, based on those experiences, here is a list of things that I know we don't eat in Loudoun County, but seem to be essential foods of the South:

~ Red velvet cake
~ Hushpuppies
~ Honey Mustard
~ Grits
~ Fried Chicken (fried anything - my southern roommate convinced me to get fried cheesecake...interesting!)
~Boiled peanuts

Yumm. No? Seems like a pretty good life.


Greg and Michelle said...

Boy - I thought I was southern! I am glad to know now what to respond when people ask me what southerners eat - till now I have only known about cornbread, fried chicken, and grits! How was the deep fried cheesecake?

Celeste Elaine said...

We are teaching the Northeast unit at school, and the strangest part is that Virginia has aligned their curriculum so that the NE inlcudes nine states... which means that Maryland and Delaware are in the Southeast.


Mason-Dixon line, people.

This coming from someone who thinks that VA, while a southern state, is culturally northern at a certain latitude, if not for the simple fact that we lack the manners, the knowledge, and the cultural nuances/ dietary habits of our "brothehs down theh."

merilee said...
