Sunday, March 6, 2011

BYU Student Section Flash Mob Dance

Kansas State's student section surprised the crowd by doing a flash mob dance during one of their Basketball game's time outs. A week or so ago, the BYU athletic department sent out a training video for OUR VERY OWN surprise dance. My thought process was, "no one's going to do this, I'm not going to try to learn it" but boy was I wrong! The special day came and everyone was at the game hours early practicing! I learned it as quickly as I could. It was AWESOME. The crowd was totally surprised and we stole the show! Here's a video. I'm the one in white...haha just kidding. It's a little hard to see the dance moves because there's 5,000 of us! Beat that, Kansas State!

Oh by the way...we WON the championship! :)


K Cummings said...

Combining obedience to authority and dancing, yeah, that hits the mormon sweet spot. Nicely done

Marie W said...

Adam and I saw this last night, and I was HOPing you had been involved. I told Em you were in the video. Her response, "Why are they dancing and clapping for Melinda?"

...cuz she's a superstar!

merilee said...

Great stuff. Great BYU memories.

becks said...

Y E S!!!

Julia said...