Monday, January 23, 2012

10 Things I've Gotten Really Good At In College

I've been reflecting on the skills (valuable and not-so valuable) I've acquired as a result of going to college.

1. Taking naps - I never really could nap before BYU. It always seemed like a waste of the day, or boring, or frustrating when I still wasn't asleep after 20 minutes, or whatever. Now? I relish the idea of curling up with a soft blanket in a quiet, dark room, and taking a BREAK from HW or social drama. I. Love. Naps.

2. Cranking out papers - I'm actually not a terrible procrastinator, I just never seem to have time to write papers until one to two nights before they're due! As a result, I have gotten REALLY good at writing papers under a time crunch. Just give me a few hours and some good snacks.

3. Baking brownies - I have found my perfect fudginess level. I cook brownies in an 8x8 for 75% of the time the box recommends. I take it out when it's barely done, so it's super fudgy and warm. I love to eat them with ice cream - yummy melty goodness!

4. Sleeping in public - Some people are uncomfortable doing this, but I learned to get over that freshman year when I would stay up till 4 and still have 8 o'clock class. My favorite haunt is the memorial hall. I've also slept on the couches in the women's bathroom, or on benches in the HFAC, or on the floor of the library behind a random get the idea.

5. Sight-reading - I wasn't the best sight-reader in high school, but I got a lot better after I went to college. It must have been because I was absolutely on my own more teachers writing in the notes for me, haha!

6. Hiding feelings - College is great, but life gives you some hard knocks sometimes! You learn to have a thick skin, smile, and bear it. I'll admit this isn't always the best thing to do, but it comes in handy sometimes. My thought process is that I can always fix my feelings on my own time, so I don't have to burden someone else by being angsty. Right?

7. Saying "no thanks." - I've learned that you don't have to do everything everyone wants you to! Liberating. Although it's still a good idea to be helpful.

8. Understanding sports - I didn't "get" football or basketball until I started going to the games at the Y. That's the power of the wasatch for ya! GO COUGS! :)

9. Being patient - I'm still a pretty impatient person, but I've learned a couple of important lessons during my time here at the Y. Life's more fun if you are okay with waiting, and it's much happier if you can rejoice in other people's successes.

10. LAUGHING - My life is awesome. :) I have hilarious friends, and I've had such a fun college career. I am a lucky girl.

A Mitch Hedberg quote to part: "I want to get a vending machine, with fun sized candy bars, and the glass in front is a magnifying glass. You'll be mad, but it will be too late."

Haha. :)


Marie W said...

The qualities of a well-educated woman. Love it!

Greg and Michelle said...

You are amazing, Lin! I love your "Top 10" - and think you could add a good many more of your talents and skills - you are an amazing listener, and an awesome friend! I want to be more like you! Love you!

Unknown said...

You forgot foosball on your list!

K Cummings said...

Hiding Feelings. Excellent skill that will server you well in life. Though I find the major benefit is being able to lull your victim into a false security then take revenge.

Also the couch in the HFAC bathroom is fantastic. Very plush with a sort of crushed velvet orange white flower cover. I highly recommend it.