Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wisdom Teeth

This past Monday I got my wisdom teeth removed. I have been really nervous about this for a long time, and my anxiety was not helped by the horrible dreams I experienced the night before my surgery. I drempt that I was in Sarah's room on a rickety stretcher, awaiting the arrival of my doctor. A short, blustery japanese woman entered bearing no surgical tools. In my dream I was very upset, because I was told my doctor was a man. The woman then told me that I would have to be awake for the procedure because she didn't know how to anaesthetize. I began shouting and crying passionately "give me the drugs! You are NOT my doctor."

That morning I got up and headed to the car. I was really quiet the whole ride to Landsdowne hospital. Mom kept looking at me anxiously, I think trying to figure out if I was mad at her. It really wasn't her fault. I needed to have this done, I knew that.

The doc and I took a look at my X-Rays. He was young and had a brooklyn accent. Craig Vigilante. Doctor Vigilante? Needless to say, I was still a little apprehensive.

The surgical room was this sterile octagon of menacing-looking instruments and machines. I had to look away for the IV insertion. Sorry, I'm a wimp. I started to feel really heavy, like I was sinking within myself, and then they were done. Whoa.

I don't remember getting home, but I do recall driving by the shell and remarking to mom that gas had gone down to 3.89 a gallon. As my whole face had been numbed, it must have sounded something like "gatfh wennndun." Sweet mommy just smiled and nodded, having no idea what I had just said.

Two hours later I woke up with a big face and a lip that felt like brotwurst. (sp?)

The next few days I lived off of pudding, ice cream, yoghurt, and the occasional jell-o cup. I slept with bags of peas next to my face and endured the taunts of my family as I wrapped a white ice pack around my head and was compared to Jacob Marley.

But I am now fully recovered in body and spirit, though I have gaping holes in my gums and can safely promise that I will not swish with saltwater for a good many years.

Thanks to all who made me soup and cheered me up. :)


Anonymous said...

Sorry about the Jacob Marley was hard to resist. :)

Melinda said...

Oh, it was all in good fun. I actually enjoyed it.

Celeste Elaine said...

Melinda! Guess what! You have less than 2 weeks to train your blogging apprentice. I expect frequent posts until then.

Then? You are coming to UT! Are you so overjoyed? I can't wait for you to come.

Remind me what day and time you get in. School starts for me on the 19th, and back to school night is the 18th, so I need to figure out how to get you from the aiport.

K Cummings said...

The day I got my wisdom teeth was the day I had promised my mother I would finish making a family reunion t-shirt design. She let me sleep for an hour or two before pulling me out of bed, declaring "You promised you would finish this today!" and setting a pen in my hand and a piece of paper in front of me. I don't actually remember doing the drawing but the design turned out pretty well but REALLY trippy.