Friday, September 5, 2008


I made the BYU Women's Chorus! I am VERY excited about this. I heard them at a concert last November and it was like nothing I had ever heard before. The audition process was pretty...hmm...long. (Chuckle) I almost walked out of my call-back because it was taking FOREVER and I had a 30 min walk home and hadn't eaten dinner. I'm glad I stayed!

I love you all!



Adam W. said...

Fantastic! Let us know when you perform and we'll turn on BYUTV!

Dan Cummings said...

Congrats! I guess not telling the grad student he had acne was the right move.

See, Melinda and I can have these deep kind of conversations and none of the rest of you will know what it's about. Don't even try to explain that one Melinda, it's not possible.

Aaron said...

That is marvelous Melinda!! Very impressive, especially as a Freshman. Are you taking piano lessons too?

Melinda said...

I'm taking private voice to prepare for an audition for the school of music in January. I don't know if that's the road that's right for me yet, but it can't hurt to try!