Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Authentic Happiness: Signature Strengths

There was a good forum address at BYU today. Martin Saligman, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania and a specialist in positive psychology, spoke on the importance of optimism and focusing on mental health. One of his points was particularly interesting to me. He said that a way to achieve a greater sense of fulfillment and optimism in life was to identify our greatest strengths and consciously employ them into any professional or everyday endeavor. He has a website, authentichappiness.org, with lots of professionally validated quizzes and surveys. He reccommended taking the "Signature Strengths" test. 240 questions, but I was interested, so I did it! It took me about twenty minutes. The results seemed pretty much dead on, and they were very informative. I would reccomend it to anyone else interested.

1 comment:

merilee said...

I'm definitely going to check that out. Must have been a great forum.
