Sunday, April 26, 2009

Trina Stories

I'm SO glad I can finally write Trina stories now that I'm home from BYU. There have been so's incredible.

Last night, as we ate cake: Trina- "I have saved over one thousand dollars. I'm planning on becoming a millionaire." I believe her total savings comes to about 98.75. :)

On the way to church, Trina drawing intently in the backseat of the car. Dad- "What are you drawing, Tree?" Trina- "A zombie." Startled, I look over and indeed see a spindly black figure with staring red eyes and blood dripping from it's mouth. I immediately began cracking up. Dad- "Oh no, Trina! Don't draw a zombie, draw a princess or something." Trina-(rolling her eyes) "Daaaaaaad.!!"

Last night Trina came into my room to show me her "special things box." Sarah said she had one, too, and showed me. Trina looked put out and left, but came back a minute later with a little box that she told me only I could see. I looked. Trina- "It's a Melinda feather!" I laughed outright. What a topper.

On the way home I played with Trina's hair. I make an effort to compliment her because she's the youngest, so I told her she had beautiful golden hair. Her brow furrowed. "It's not GOLDEN." she told me plainly. "Golden brown, then." I offered. She pondered, then decided it was "brown sapphire brown."


Sarah said...

Sapphire brown never heard of it.
must be blue-brown-gray.
new color i like it.

Celeste Elaine said...


I have been waiting for these practically my whole life. Zombie and all.

I expect family anecdotes at least once per week.

Anonymous said...

Well one just happened the other day....Trina wrote me a note on the bathroom sink that said..."Whash your hands so you won't eet swine flwr!"

It was a serious moment

Sarah said...

wow heather,
that's serious.
celeste what do you mean by ancedotes?
btw funny blog!!!!!!!!!