Friday, April 17, 2009

You Know You're in College When...

You realize you poured way too much milk on your cereal but don't want to throw the excess milk away so you dunk a couple oreos in it. Aah frugality.

1 comment:

Celeste Elaine said...


That reminds me of the measurement equations I was doing with my class on Thursday. I asked them how much a gallon was, and all of them thought of milk. I asked them, "How long will a cup of milk last you?" and then "How long will a gallon of milk last you?"
Not surprisingly, the time frame between using a cup and a gallon wasn't that different-- I think I'll have to come up with another analogy.

Remember when we went through a gallon of milk per day as a family?

It'S nice to be in charge of your own gallon and let it last a week.