Sunday, July 26, 2009


Tonight Trina and Sarah were playing "Toy Store." They had quite a collection of play stuff set up nicely on shelves, with fake money for customers to use (they gave you the money for the kind of store!) and cute lil' aprons. I visited several times. On one occasion I asked for directions to 6 flags and this is what ensued.

Sarah: "Take 1493 up to an intersection with 4 stops, and turn right. Two lefts, a right, another right, straight for a while and then up a curly-q road to the top. Then you're there!"

Trina: "Go southbound on 95, take 50 West until you come to the sign on the right. Easy!"

Umm...that was astoundingly legit for an 8-year-old, Trina! I half believed you!


Celeste Elaine said...

I find myself erring on the Sarah side of giving directions far too many times....

Sarah said...

hey give me some credit!

Sarah said...
