Walking to the temple. Clean, but not for long.
Outside of the temple. It was beautiful!
Waiting for the powder throwing to begin...
Some people were a little overzealous and began throwing chalk at me before the countdown had started.
Me Kasee and Bre. Filthy but happy!
The crew!
Okay, it was fun, but I have to tell you that when the countdown was over and hundreds of people began throwing fistfuls of colored powder into the air, the sky basically went dark and I couldn't breath for a couple minutes. It was a real third Nephi experience. All day long after that I was coughing up rainbows. And my shower is ruined :) but it was worth it. I want to do it again.
I always thought you had to go to India to take part is such festivities. In fact, it is one of the few things that draws me to India. Now that I know one can experience the Color Fest in Spanish Fork, I am going to have to rethink my travel priorities.
You are super cool, Lin.
What great fun! I love all the colors--why not color yourself for spring instead of messing with those Eater egg dyes? You captured the moment so well on the video. Thanks for sharing.
What is Kasee doing in that picture? It's like that video of the guy doing a jig in dozens of countries around the world....
I am super Jel-ea. How could Radha not be jelea?
Haha Radha is for sure Jeal-a.
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