Saturday, July 17, 2010

SUPER Belated Pics

This is from months ago. Oh well. :) We set up a campsite on the roof of our apartment building. It was really fun! But I am TERRIFIED of heights, so I was glad when we came down about an hour later. I don't really know why the pictures are so small...but you get the general idea! Haha I am so bad at figuring out blogger.

We are ready.

Well, sort of.

I did NOT want to go up.

Scary scary scary!

The ladder of death. It was named Rickety.

Safe on top!

Our floating campsite!

It was a good time. I'm getting a little more daring in my old age :) or a little more subject to peer pressure, I'm not sure which one. Maybe I'll post pictures of our end of the year couch burning soon. Love to you all!

1 comment:

Greg and Michelle said...

you burnt your couch?! Do tell!

Hope you are having a wonderful day!