Monday, July 26, 2010

Uneconomical Addiction

Freshman year I took a look around the Cougareat and noted with relief that it would probably be easy for me not to spend money there. None of the locations tempted me at all. Really, AT ALL. Taco Bell - I don't like cheap mexican food. Subway I can really live without. Teriyaki sticks = yuck. I went for months without buying anything from the Cougareat until...the buffalo chicken wrap came into my life.

That's right. L&T broke me. Delicious soups, salads, rolls and wraps. Picture this: chicken strips, lettuce, celery, bleu cheese crumbles, and cucumbers on a delicious spinach tortilla, doused in a delicious bleu cheese and buffalo sauce mix. My mouth is watering.

I get it every time I go there, and I'm ashamed to say I go there a lot! At least once a week. It adds up because the wraps are $5.00. I'm thinking they lace the wraps with some addictive substance because I just keep coming back! Well, they say the first step in overcoming an addiction is admitting it to close family and friends, so it looks like I'm on the right track. For now, I think I'll go get myself a wrap.


Greg and Michelle said...

That sounds like a delicious temptation - but I fully support you in not being addicted! You can do it!

merilee said...

Yum! That sounds so good. I wish I had tried it when we were there. You looked like you were really enjoying it. TIme for another trip to Utah.