Thursday, February 23, 2012

There Comes a Time In Every Human's Life...

When they must stop poring over these...

and go do this...

before their brain turns into this:

And with that, I'm off to the testing center.

Inspiration and relief here :)


Celeste Elaine said...

Your pictures are worth four thousand words.

And your text is worth even more. I must tell you, on the way to Jimmer last night, Trina said something completely witty and I said, "Nice, Melinda! I mean Tree!" she took it as the compliment my mind meant to give.

We're all abuzz about your coming home. To quote tomorrow's song, "we so excited. We so excited."

Greg and Michelle said...

As an oatmeal lover, I think it is great that you feel like your brain turns into a fiber filled healthy and nutritious whole grain cereal after studying for an exam. I wish mine felt like that too! ;) Good luck with your tests!