Saturday, April 4, 2009

Make-up Woes

I don't like makeup. Really, I detest it. Firstly, because it is SO expensive- a decent mascara from a pharmacy costs anything from six to twelve dollars. A nice foundation is usually eight dollars. Secondly, I don't like how much of it people apply! I look around and see girls with plastic-looking orange faces, full red lips and heavily powdered eyes. My makeup routine takes me about five minutes and consists of a bit of concealer (for the trouble spots!), some mascara and a bit of eyeshadow. So imagine my chagrin at learning I have to go out and buy MORE makeup for Women's Chorus because our final concert is being filmed for TV.

I mean, it's awesome that our concert is being broadcast on PBS and I am really excited to see the final project, but I'm pretty sad that I need to get special makeup. It makes sense, we need to have particular face powders so we don't get washed out under the camera lights, but still! I wish I could make do with what I have already. Maybe I'll try to get away with that...haha. :) We took a whole hour in women's chorus to have a TV make-up artist come in and show us appropriate TV makeup procedures. It was interesting. Some of the members of the Men's Chorus (who meet right after us) came in early and laughed heartily at the sight of 180 girls intently taking notes on the exact location of the browbone. I hope that they will have to dab on some face powder too!!!

1 comment:

Celeste Elaine said...

I know your make-up woes; after concerts I sometimes felt like a fakey too.

Still, I am sure their advice will pay off... there was once a broadcast of our WC concert, and when I saw my face, I was surprised that you couldn't even tell I had more make-up on in that single performance than I wear in a month of Sundays.