Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Don't Feed the Raccoons!!!

We have a raccoon in the neighborhood. Last night it was under one of our cars. A kindhearted person fed it, but the whole time I was thinking "Noooooooo!!!"

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What a sweetie, right? Wrong! Raccoons always look adorable, but they are very aggressive and territorial creatures. They eat ANYTHING, from anywhere, and your disheveled trash cans will be evidence of that. 

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Yeah, that's probably more realistic. The raccoon has been pulling stuff from our trash recently. I might borrow dad's raccoon trap, though it may take some courage after one raccoon accidentally gutted himself on one part of the cage. Yick. And so sad.

Still seeking the good! Today was a very good day, regardless of the raccoon. I got a 100 on my very first paper back from grad school (it was a total reflection/journal type paper, but hey! I can do this grad school thing!). I'll let let you know what happens to miko.

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Note: Do not try this (i.e., being friends with a raccoon) at home.

1 comment:

merilee said...

No, do NOT feed racoons. You will be cursed for eternity!