Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Money Matters and Other Things That Matter More

Work today I got called in by some supervisors about a semi-serious situation, and it was quite stressful! Let's just say I cried and I was super embarrassed. Everything's fine now, if you were wondering, but boy I needed a pick-me-up!

Cue miracle. Seeking the good today was easy, thanks to Heavenly Father. So a while back I had gotten my deposit back from my last apartment in Utah. It was a lot of money, and I was so grateful! It was a time of need. Anyways, I noticed a mistake in her calculations (the landlady had given me 25-50 more than I thought was coming to me). I'm embarrassed to admit that I thought, "well, I've been cheated by landlords in the past, maybe this is just karma on my side" or "maybe it's not a mistake, maybe I am supposed to get this extra money." I didn't really want to call (I'm ashamed to say) but I did, and I'm so glad because the landlady called and said she was so impressed and grateful that she let me keep the extra. It was extremely generous of her.

Now I do NOT share this story to make you think how awesome I am, because as I mentioned earlier, I was so very very near not calling. But I did call, and Heavenly Father gave me this pick-me-up exactly at the time that I needed it. It was nice to hear I'd done something right. I'm so grateful! And I shrink to think what today would have been like if I didn't. Speaking of money and pick-me-ups, I think I would love to get this $5.00 back at a grocery store.

Image via
Anyways, this experience reminded me of how in high school when you went to tell a teacher they'd missed something you got wrong, they always let you keep the points. That's the way it works! If you do the right thing, it always works out in your favor (either here or there!). Simple, right?

1 comment:

Greg and Michelle said...

I am proud of you - for doing the right thing even when tempted so strongly to do otherwise - you ARE awesome! I hope you have a great day today!